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As per the Maharashtra Public University Act 2016 the CDC is constituted, which consist ofPresident of parent management as a chairman, four nominated members by president from executivecouncil, two educationist, three teachers from the college, one representative of non-teaching staff,IQAC coordinator and Principal as an official member.The Act provides for academic autonomy andexcellence, adequate representation through the democratic process, transformation, strengthening andregulating higher education, and matters connected in addition to that or incidental to it.
The college has an active College Development Committee (CDC). It is a statutory committee with a mandate to develop, implement and monitor the management programme. It meets four times during an Academic year, evaluates the progress of the college on regular basis and provides guidance and directives for constant improvement in ensuring higher standards of education in the college. It deals with the compulsory requirement of continuing administrative and academic development. It supports the decisions of IQAC and teaching and nonteaching staff for their development. This committee acts as the liaison between the college staff and the management. It plays an important role in placing before the management, suggestions and issues related to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college. It discusses the progress of the studies in the college.
College Development committee recommends the management the creation of the teaching and other posts. All the strategic decisions, having an impact on the growthand success of the institution are deliberated and decided by this committee. It prepares the budget and financial statements. It also recommends the decisions decided by committee to the management. It considerand make recommendations on the inspection report if any. It also makes recommendations to the management for the improvement of the standard of teaching in the college. It also takes decisions regarding the actions required for the improvement of the college. It determines the programmers of instruction and internal evaluation and to discuss the progress of the studies in the college. It formulates the proposals of new expenditure which is not provided in the college budget. It discuss regarding intake capacity of various programs and various other matters related to the internal management of the college. It prepares the annual report on the work done by committee for the year and submits the same to the management.
Sr. No. | Board of Governance | Designation | Description |
01. | Hon’ble Raje Vijaysingh Mansingrao Jadhao | Chairperson | Hereditary Trustee, Shri Balaji Sansthan, D.Raja |
02. | Hon’ble Mrs. Chhayaraje Vijaysingh Jadhao | Member | Management Nominee |
03. | Hon’ble Mr. Kishor Damodar Bidkar | Member | Social Worker |
04. | Hon’ble Dr. Ulhas Shiurkar | Member | Educationalist & Researcher |
05. | Hon’ble Dr. Shivdas Janardan Mirkad | Member | Researcher & Social Worker |
06. | Hon’ble Mr. Pankaj Raje Jadhao | Member | Industrialist & Social Worker |
07. | Dr. Dnyaneshwar Vishnu Gore | Member – Secretary | Principal (Additional Charge) |
08. | Dr. Eknath Bhimrao Bhalerao | Member | Coordinator, IQAC |
09. | Prof. Madhukar Balasaheb Jadhao | Member | Head of Department |
10. | Dr. Vinod Ratiram Bansile | Member | Teacher - Member |
11. | Dr. Arvind Dnyanoba Kanwate | Member | Teacher - Member |
12. | Dr. Jyoti D. Dhokle | Member | Women Teacher - Member |
13. | Mr. Prakash Abarao Ingle | Member | Non-Teaching Member |
14. | Ex. Officio Student Council | Member | Secretary, Student Council |