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  Shri Balaji Sansthan Deulgaon Raja's  


Deulgaon Raja-443 204, Dist. Buldhana (M.S.)
(Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University)
CSS MenuMaker

About Department

    Department of computer science is established in 2009 to provide quality education to the students. The department has transformed itself into an institution that not only strives to achieve academic excellence and all round development of its students but also inculcates in them the spirit of scientific temper taught to live in the modern world and still uphold the values of spiritualism and truthfulness. The Department started proliferating with increase in the strength of lecturers, students and infrastructure.
   The department of computer Science has augmented in the infrastructure by developing Computer lab with state of art .We had also provided ICT enabled class room & Lab. We had provided internet facility to all labs near about for all computers. We have provided too many facilities to the students in the form of increased no. of well equipped laboratory. Internet for all staff and students and Wi-Fi facility staff and student is provided by the college. IT zone for accessing e resources.
   The Institution made the plan of upgrading and modernization of the Computer systems in the Department through the budget. The up gradation is done to keep pace with latest development in computer technology and give the same to students.
   College has a Learning local Chapter of (NPTEL) National Program on Technology Enhanced learning so that the students of computer science can enroll for online NPTEL courses with this the department students enrolled for the online courses like IIT spoken tutorial.
   Department of computer science organizes Guest lecturers of immanent persons for the students of Computer Science. Students also give seminars on the various topics.

Aims & Objectives:
  • To be an academic excellence in terms of teaching, curriculum development and research.
  • The department would like to attain recognition teaching and research.
  • To demonstrate a breadth of knowledge in the area of computer science.
  • To demonstrate understanding of the importance of social and ethical issues.
  • The department also strives to contribute to industry.