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The Central Library of the Shri Vyankatesh College was established in 11th July 1969 with the establishment of the college. Since then, recent developments in the social sciences and sciences have generated new pressures in academic fields. This resulted in extending the responsibility of the libraries. These serve the needs of students, teachers, administrators and researchers in the field of education and research. In this view, the library is a necessary adjunct of the teacher's aid and researcher's tool without which they cannot make the optimum use of their time and talent in effective and efficient manner. The library has tried its level best to provide necessary material to all the components of the college and looked after the quantative & qualitative growth in library facilities. The college library is connected to other college libraries under the Inter Library Loan facilities, E-Library facilities with INFLIBNET N-List and NDL & DELNET Consortia. The library is fully automated with bar-coding of books, circulation and library membership smart cards. The library has purchased e-Gananthalya Library Software developed by NIC, New Delhi. The library is a well managed and systematically organized model of information storage. Therefore, time to time, the efforts are being made to convert this library into the information oriented unit so that the maximum number of students, research scholars and academic community would be able to take the advantage of the rich collection of books, back volumes of periodicals, CD-Rom databases, online databases and e-journals. Besides, college authorise are also taking keen interest in the developments of the library by providing adequate funds, infrastructure and other academic facilities. Today we have more than 25522 books, more than 56 journals, periodicals and also e-journals 6000+ and e-books 3000000+. This facility is provided through N-list INFLIBNET Programme. Thus the efforts are being made to enrich the library in terms of intellectual prosperity
Total carpet area of library is 2565 Sq.ft. Separate Stack room. Reading Room , Reference Room, circulation department, Space for OPAC, News Paper reading section, Staff reading Room, Librarian’s Room, Reprographic section. The Library rendered Various User Friendly Services like Reference Service, Bibliographical service, News Paper Clipping Service, Reprographic Services, Inter Library loan , Book Bank , etc. The Library Started Best Practices to provide effective Library services like Question Paper of Previous University Examinations, For selection of Books Every year Library organize Book Exhibition, New Arrivals are displayed , Best library User Award is given to Student from all three faculty every Year , etc.