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  Shri Balaji Sansthan Deulgaon Raja's  


Deulgaon Raja-443 204, Dist. Buldhana (M.S.)
(Affiliated to Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University)
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   Teaching learning and Evaluation quality circle is established in commerce department. Through this quality circle department of commerce promotes the below mentioned activities to contribute, the Teaching & Learning process.

  1. Academic Calendar and Teaching Diary are prepared in the beginning of the academic session.
  2. Class wise subject time table is prepared
  3. Separate time table for computer practical is prepared.
  4. Teachers act as guides for preparing project report.
  5. Regular class tests are conducted.
  6. Special classes are conducted for weak students.
  7. Assignments of each subject are given.
  8. Group discussion and presentation of the students is taken by all subject teachers.
  9. Internal marks are allotted on the basis of class test, group discussion & presentation and assignments.
  10. Academic diary is maintained by the teachers.
  11. Feed-back from students for the teachers is also collected in order to enhance the quality of education.
  12. Industrial and field visits of the students are taken. Visits to important industrial places every year schedule from opening of college.
  13. Student -Interaction Committee is formed every year to acquaint the students with various activities of the college, which are proposed to conduct for the students throughout the year. It makes convenient to students to participate in the activities in the area of interest such as Sports, N.S.S., Cultural activities etc. Commerce Lab formed and various activities are conducted for the students to enhance their entrepreneurship skills.
  14. Commerce teachers are adopting effective techniques of teaching in their teaching methods viz. Seminar, Quiz Competition, Group Discussion, Digital Class room, Case Studies, Analysis, presentation method along with lecture method. Commerce Students have viva -voce and project report as a part of curriculum so as they enrich the knowledge of different subjects in the commerce field.
  15. E-resources of learning are made available to the students. In the college there is a separate furnished Computer Lab., as well as internet facility is made available to the students and teachers.